
Showing posts from December, 2016


By:  Sherifat Fadile Y ou can call this nature,we call it a new trend.Most people think that being light skinned is the new wave but honestly being dark skinned is the eye candy.       M elanin is the pigment found in the body that gives the human skin,hair and eyes their colour. Dark-skinned people tend to have more melanin than light skinned people . I ts heartbreaking to see when dark skinned girls try to use harmful ways to become light skinned when they are natural ways to maintain your colour and glow with it.  T hey are ways to achieve a glowing dark skin complexion and love it.Body lotions rich in aloe vera, coconut oil,Shea butter and essential oils are good.  H ydroquinone is a big No No it does more harm than good if you want to keep your dark-skin complexion. What absolutely intrigues me is that I used to think that being dark skinned would be difficult in terms of makeup,accessories, hair co...