SUMMER!!! This summer is heading to being one of the best season in the fashion industry as we have series of styles, outfit, hairstyles, makeup products, Photo-shoots and so on from all corners{BRANDS AND FASHION PLATES].On the hairstyle trend for the ladies its BRAIDS and for the guys its the facial hairstyle called BEARD.

Braids are so hot right now, the type of braids seems endless with so many styles this summer. braided hairstyles makes space for creativity with not just a regular three strand braid   but now the four strand braid. There are many ingesting the braiding techniques to make every hair unique. Braiding is very versatile from the crochet braid(BOOMBA DREADLOCKS) to the french braid, microbriad,bulky braid, milkmaid braid, fishtail braid, dutch braids and so on,You can actually shape braids into gorgeous hairstyles for different occasion mostly this summer.To what we've called the trendy tradition,Research has it that braids has been in fashion for over 2000 BC, wow!! if they have survived this long there definitely must be a some thing special in the don't you think?...No wonder they are back in fashion. Black braids are some of the doppest hairstyles on the internet. its special when a beautiful woman not just Africans alone display her unique look even if its just for the summer.

Beards for the lucky guys now is like the best thing that could have ever happen to them because not everyone grows up with it so the once who are lucky to have it, they keep and cultivate it.i call them the face Farmer. Research has it that beard play some spiritual role in some religions like Christianity, Judaism etc and there was a book written on it with the title "EFFECT OF SEXUAL ACTIVITY ON BEARD GROWTH IN MAN".  Hans Langsethh had the longest beard ever possed by a man 17 feet long, he was certainly more than just a face farmer. As we have different types of braiding so we do with beards. If the hair on the upper part is left unshaved it would be referred to as a MOUSTACH while if the hair on the chin is left unshaved  we refer to it as a CIRCLE BEARD (POPULARLY CALLED GOATEE)  we also have the  NECK BEARD, SIDE BURNS, MUSLIM BEARD, FULL BEARD to mention a few. Beards this summer are adding more style to most fashion plates in Nigeria like NOBEL IGWE & SWANKY JERRY who have created trends and given blogs something to talk about .

BRAIDS & BEARDS are still on the trend train now so while not follow it until it rows away and come back in another century in another style and in the same fashion/style industry so let loose and embrace the spirit of summer by going BRAIDS and bring more styles on how too rock and kill it with BEARDS ON.







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